Thursday 10 March 2011

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

From the audience feedback I have learnt that in todays market for horror people want more gore and psychological horror as opposed to the shock factor idea.
We created audience research questionnaires  from the internet site survey monkey, a fast and effective method of creating e-questionnaires, we then emailed out the links to this questionnaires, and asked our friends to forward the email to people we didn't know. Mostly we found that people enjoyed a setting of a city or abandoned building, for it to be a psychological style horror and have ghosts or zombies. Unfortunately we couldn't fully stick to this as our trailer due to set backs with filming and use of the editing software. Our initial video did have a ghosts but the style of shot that we used to film that scene did not work.

People who saw our teaser trailer thought that it had the right balance of gore, with moments like the drill and the shot with the hammer, and confusion of what will happen next when at the end of the trailer we see our main antagonist walking dragging a pitchfork. People tended to feel it worked well from a horror aspect as it had the qualities of gore and horror, but they did think that some parts didn't work as well as a trailer, due to alot of the plot being given away during the trailer, making it so it didn't leave you desperately wanted more. A lot of people found some of the shots a little weird, for example there is a shot with one person in  a shed looking out on the victims walking in there is some odd breathing that goes with it and people thought it was to show the weird person watching them but a lot of people thought it was just a bit of a strange sound this could have been fixed but we found that the minority that liked it were more suited to our target audience than the others so we decided to stick with it.

Overall our audience like our trailer and said that if ti was a film they would have gone to see it, but they did say that it lacked the elements of being a teaser trailer in that too much of the story was given away as we see Kellie getting away from the scene at the end, which almost ruins the ending to the film. we have been told on many occasions from people we knew who watched it that it was difficult to judge it as a trailer due to it being their friends in the film. To them it was more funny than anything but the horror ideals of the trailer still came through despite that.
A gore scene.                   

Kellie escaping.                                                                                                                       

Our final shot with the pitch fork.

1 comment:

  1. Note that this is question three not question two. Please swap around the labels.

    Too short. Begin by explaining who your target audience is and how you got the feedback. Then go carefully through each of the points raised explaining the reasons why your target audience thought what they thought about both the positives and negatives of your trailer. This should cover both the trailer as an example of horror genre and also the trailer as an advertising piece. Also you'll need to explain why you have chosen these images, otherwise it looks like they are just there to jazz up the post.
