Monday 14 March 2011

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop, or Challenge Forms and Conventions Of Real Media Products?

stills2 by littlemanharryl
stills2 a photo by littlemanharryl on Flickr.

 We used expressive camera work, such as the eye shot to really capture the sense of fear in our character, this kind of shot get you really in close with the character so you really feel uncomfortable being in that situation as well as the situation they are in.
We used certain iconic features with in our scenes, such as masks to hide peoples faces, as shown by myself in a dust mask. Which also includes an iconic voyeuristic view on the victims. This does create a sense of fear as you know there is somthing watching but you are unaware as to what it is and that the characters have no idea making it rather unsettling. We used mise-en-scene items such as old rooms, dirty walls and darkness, which are normal conventions of the horror, to create that horror ideal of unclean and broken being the best option when you have no other choice.
stills by littlemanharryl

1 comment:

  1. Your observations are good but they do not explain enough about the specific purposes of the main horror conventions. I think you need to add some more discussion - perhaps to the blog post itself, of such elements as expressive camerawork, mise-en-scene/iconography, settings etc that are explored in our initial work on horror - look at the big A3 genre sheet for this. Then the Flickr images will be an extention of this and you will have show you understand the core conventions of horror. You also need to cover the conventions of trailers too.
